Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who is This Jesus Born in Bethlehem?

From the time he lived, till today, the world is curious and amazed at this man called ‘Jesus of Nazareth.’ The authenticity of His claim to be the Saviour, the Messiah or God himself is being challenged and has become a subject of debate for centuries. In fact it was for this very reason (his identity) that the religious teachers put him to death. I wonder as to why they refused to accept him as the ‘Messiah' despite having full knowledge of the ‘Messianic Prophesies’ (prophesies concerning Christ) and the scriptures being fulfilled through different events in Jesus’ life, and even after he had done all those miraculous signs in their presence.

Ironically their rejection and opposition had greatly affected the common men’s faith. Except for those faithful few, majority of them were confused lots. Many times people were divided on the issue of Jesus’ legitimacy. While some accepted him as the ‘Messiah’ who was to come, others considered him a ‘deceiver’. Maybe it was the Father’s will that everything would remain a mystery until after his (Jesus) death so that His divine plan for providing forgiveness would be fulfilled. I wonder how we would have reacted if we were there! Anyhow, the disbelief and controversy still exists.

Today, while millions profess Jesus, skeptics are also at work and many good Christians are held victim by their atheistic propaganda. For instance, movies have been made and books written in recent times challenging the legitimacy of Jesus wherein antagonists have tried to twist history by distorting the facts leading to confusion even among some sections of believers as well.

Then, who really is Jesus?
For 2000 years or so, much of the world has seen Jesus as the founder of one of the world’s major religions. Many have also seen and regarded him as a great teacher and a good moral example. But he was more than a ‘man.’

According to the Bible - JESUS is the Christ, the eternal Son of God, who became truly man without ceasing to be truly God having been supernaturally conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. And though a living person, he was sinless and perfect, and after having lived a life of unparalleled wisdom and character, he died an awful dead to pay the price for the sins of mankind. But on the third day he rose from dead and now he is in heaven with his Father. He will return again at God’s own appointed time with great power and glory to judge the world; to reward the righteousness and punish the wicked.

Jesus about himself – 
During one of the debates with the religious leaders Jesus said, “I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM.” (John 8:28). According to the scripture, that was the name God gave Himself when He commanded Moses that He was the self-existent One: “I AM who I AM… Say to the people of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14). As such, the name of God in Hebrew is YHWH or I AM.
He also described himself as: “The Son of God” (John 5:25); “The Son of Man” (John 8:28); “The Bread of Life” (John 6:35); “The Light of the World” (John 8:2); “The Good Shepherd” (John 10:14); “The Gate for the Sheep” (John 10:7); “The True Vine” (John 15:1); “The Resurrection and the Life” (John 11:35); “The Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End” (Revelation 22:13); “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” (John 14:6).
When the high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the living God?” He replied, “Yes.”

What others say? – 
On the night he was born, the angel said to the shepherds, “Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11). When John baptized him in Jordan, a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” John the Baptist called him “The Son of God”; “The Lamb of God.” Nathanael, whom Jesus called a true Israelite, called him “The Son of God; the King of Israel.” The bible also says that the evil spirits knew who Jesus was. Whenever they saw Jesus, they were terrified and would say “Holy One of God”; “You are the Son of God”; “The Son of the Most High God.” Simon Peter, his beloved disciple, called him “The Christ, the Son of the living God.”

The Centurion (who was in front of Jesus when he died) said after seeing all that had happened, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”
Thomas Schultz wrote: “Christ is the only religious leader who has ever claimed to be the deity, and the only individual ever who has convinced a great portion of the world that He is God.”

According to hundreds of eyewitnesses, Jesus did die and three days later He left the tomb alive. The biblical record tells that more than 500 people saw Jesus alive after his death.

Secular historians also acknowledged that Jesus was a real living person who gained renown in first century Israel as a healer and a teacher, and that he died at the hands of the religious teachers. W.H. Thomas wrote: “There never has been a more real or genuine man than Jesus of Nazareth.”

Even some of his great antagonists have also accepted his divinity. For instance, Goethe wrote: “If ever the Divine appeared on earth, it was in the Person of Christ.” Even Rousseau admitted: “Yes, the life and death of Socrates are those of a philosopher; the life and death of Jesus Christ are those of a God.” Interestingly in the Koran, the book of Islam, Yeshua (Jesus) is referred to as “the greatest above all in this world and in the world to come.”

What Do You Say? 
Most probably you have heard all these and much more. Maybe you have even read books and books and have done research on Jesus’ life and He being a deity. Not only the believers but the unbelievers as well have testified and accepted that Jesus is the Son of God; that He is the Christ. However it is not what the world says or what you know. What matters is "Who is this Jesus of Nazareth to you? Do you believe that he is the Son of God and that he died for you?
Be it in the first century AD or today, one of the main reasons for reluctance to accept Jesus as the “Christ” or “God Himself” is lack of faith (belief). That is the reason why whenever he taught, Jesus would say “Believe me.” Yes, it is faith that makes all the difference. Where do you stand?

And as for the believers, there are moments even when the most faithful falters too. Like Peter, for different reasons though, we often deny Him when we want to have our ways and that is when we fail as true Christians. The truth is this: No matter how much a person knows or talks about Jesus, unless he acknowledges Him as his Lord and Personal Savior, and is willing to keep and obey His commands, he does not really know HIM!

Well, if you have not invited Jesus into your life yet or not being really faithful all these time, let this Christmas be an opportune time to know HIM better!


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