Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to be a Charismatic

What made Jesus Christ, Shakespeare, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Alva Edison, Mother Teresa, to name a few, HUMAN MAGNETS? They attracted men and wealth. So what was that extra special quality they possessed that set them apart from the rest? Well, this is not Law of Attraction. You have heard enough of it. But there is something that precedes this great law of nature. There exists certain power that made these immortal men and the likes attractive and powerful.

Well, the answer is pretty simple. They LOVED their work. They were passionate about what they do. They were obsessed with their mission. That’s why they worked single mindedly. Since they were madly in love with their jobs, they did not flirt with other petty things. It was Love for their profession that enabled them to overcome failures, enemies and temptations. This is because LOVE is the greatest power in the Universe. It beats HOPE and FAITH (I Corinthians 13:13)

The wise Emerson said, “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Well my friend, if you believe what this great soul had said, you’d better believe in what I have to say – LOVE begets ENTHUSIASM.

Love your work. If you love it, you’d work sincerely, consistently, single mindedly and persistently and these are all ingredients of success.When you take joy and pride in whatever you do, you begin to attract ideas, resources and people. Unless you love your work, no success workshops, motivational books and materials would help.

As a matter of fact, what is life if you don't enjoy your work even if your income crosses 7 figures monthly?


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