Sunday, June 5, 2016


Today is the World Environment Day, and the Kohima Ao Baptist Arogo (Church) observed KABA CARE Sunday. CARE stands for Creating Awareness for Restoration of Environment. The title itself expresses its mission. It is an initiative of the Youth Department of the church since last year. I really appreciate the activities of the youth and also the way they try to convey their message. Last year they adopted an area of Kohima, the capital town of Nagaland, and cleaned it. This year, besides other activities, they are undertaking the renovation and painting of 4 worn out and rusty over-bridges in the capital town. It is by no means an easy task for a youth group! Bravo guys! 

Besides the usual service routine, the one thing I really liked today was the 'Responsive Reading.' Actually it is the reason behind the writing of this short blog post. Instead of going round the usual routine of Scripture reading, a Pledge to save and care the environment was read. It was done so tactfully, and the message was clear and powerful. I hope and believe that if the congregation, all over the world, are made to read out this kind of pledges regularly in the church, it will seep into our minds and conscience, and I believe its impact would be just ‘wow’ in a few decades. 

Long Live Mother Earth!


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