Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why Happy People Reach Goals Faster?

When I was in Sunday School, one of my favorite songs was ‘A Merry Heart Is Like a Medicine…’. The words are taken out from Proverbs 17:22 in the Bible. I used to sing it over and over again anytime and everywhere till my voice would get hoarse. Did I get the wise old guy’s wisdom? Nope.
A few years ago I came across somewhere in a magazine that ‘happy people reach their goals faster in life.’ That was what psychologists have found out. I just couldn’t apprehend the wisdom then. I didn’t pay any attention either. As usual, I was just flipping through the pages and not actually reading.
I am older now and wiser I guess. Now I see a connection between these two. Wish I had understood this much earlier in life. Why? Because IT IS TRUE – ‘A merry heart is like a medicine’ and that ‘Happy people reach their goal faster in life.’ Let me say the last one again – ‘Happy people reach their goal faster in life.’ Once more: ‘HAPPY PEOPLE REACH THEIR GOAL FASTER IN LIFE’!
Here is why…
I guess you must have heard about the Law of Attraction (LOA)a million times over or more by now. It’s everywhere and people are making a fortune selling this SECRET through every strategy available. It’s an old secret though. But for the sake of those who are new to this, let me try to put it as simple as I can. LOA operates on this simple law – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. Human beings are magnet and that, what we are is what we have attracted to ourselves through our thoughts. How? Because everything in the universe is made up of the same stuff – ENERGY. You are an ‘energy ball’ constantly sending out vibrations into the universe in the form of thoughts and feelings. The logic is this – If you send positive energy, you will attract positive things into your life; If you send negative energy, you attract negative things.
Down the ages almost all the great teachers and philosophers have recognized this and have advocated it. Here is what some of them said:
All that we are is a result of what we have thought – Buddha
A man is what he thinks about all day long – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve – W. Clement Stone
A man’s life is what his minds make of it – Marcus Aurelius
The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their life by altering their attitudes of mind – William James
If you think in negative terms you will get negative results, if you think in positive terms you will achieve positive results – Norman Vincent Peale
Everything is possible for him who believes – Mark 9:23
As Earl Nightingale puts it,“We become what we think about.” 
It is also written in the Bible,“As a person thinks in his heart so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
You might as well have heard the old adage ‘Be careful of what you wish for. They might come true.’ They do.
Want more? Check this out…
Haven’t you realized that when you are angry or hurt, things become worse or even get physically hurt? But when you begin to look at the brighter side of life, suddenly your path seems to get brighter? Everything in the universe seems to favor you? Doors open up? Opportunities show up? Good things happen? Why? Now you know.
Our life is steered and shaped mostly by the pattern of our thoughts. If you think good, you become good. If you think bad, you become bad. This is true because when you are in a positive state of mind, you get positive ideas and begin to ACT on those ideas and what you get is positive outcome. Let me say it again: “When you are in a positive state of mind, you get positive ideas and begin to ACT on those ideas and what you get is positive outcome.” THINK AND ACT. It also happens exactly the same when you think the other way round.
Well, if you really love and care for yourself, BE HAPPY. Time and space will not permit me to tell you again how to make yourself happy. To begin, develop a grateful heart and you’ll be amazed at the number of things you would be happy about. Well, just be good and do good and be grateful for what you have and for things to come. Here is a golden rule. “Do unto others what you want them to do to you” (Matthew 7:12) and surely good things will cross your way. Just obey this great commandment and I am certain that your life will be full of Divine intervention which we humans call ‘miracles’!


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