Friday, June 12, 2015

10 Inevitable Laws of Success

It is an established fact that whatever we believe, if we do so truly, they come to pass. It becomes our reality. Hence, it does good to have a set of life changing beliefs and follow them religiously. There are certain proven laws of success. The ones I have listed below are timeless and true. Many great philosophers and teachers have taught them and changed destinies of many lives. May it change yours too!

1. Law of Thought:
The wise Emerson said: “A person becomes what he thinks most of the day.” Even Buddha said: “All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” This is the power of thought. You will become what you constantly think upon. Hence, if you want good in life, think positive thoughts and vice-versa. This is the law.
2. Law of Sowing:
We have heard the old adage: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” If we plant fruit, we will reap fruit. If we plant weed, we will reap weed. If you smile at somebody, that person will surely smile back at you if he/she is in the right frame of mind. Hence, plant whatever you want in life. Be it love, money, friendship etc. You will reap exactly.

3. Law of Gratitude:
Willie Nelson once said: “When I started counting my blessings, my life turned around.” Not only him, but everyone who is grateful, life will begin to smile upon them. If we look in the Bible, Jesus always gave thanks before he fed the multitude. The result was awesome. The bread and fish multiplied. Gratitude is the key that unlocks the door of abundance. Always be thankful for what you have and you will experience miracle.

4. Law of Service:
Psalm 62: 12 says: “Surely you will reward each person according to what he has done.” People have different jobs. Some are paid jobs whereas some are not. Whichever category you belong to, it is a law of nature that you will get rewarded in proportion to your work. For example, social workers like us don’t have a regular salary. However there is someone, an unseen power, who is taking our effort into account. And He does. Therefore, if you want something out of life, do make sure that you contribute something first before you expect. No work no pay.   

5. Law of Concentration:
There is an African saying: “If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.” How true. Again I love this line of Devanand, the late Indian actor: “To succeed, you have to single-mindedly pursue a dream.” Whole-hearted concentration upon a certain dream or goal in life is the key to success. You know the power of a magnifying glass. When focused upon a certain point, the sun-ray can burn anything. This law really exists. Apply it in your personal life.

6. Law of Persistence:
One of my greatest motivations ever comes from Winston Churchill. He said: “Never, never, never give up.” I love this quote of John Di Lemme too: “The key of persistence opens all door closed by resistance.” It is said that persistence is one of the most powerful tools available to man to  break through any task. We have heard enough anecdotes of great people who have employed this power tool in their endeavours and succeeded. Persist and the finish line is yours. But let patience be your companion though.    

7. Law of Specifics:
Suppose you go to a shop. You won’t get anything if you just stand there staring. You have to tell the shopkeeper exactly what item you want. Only then you will walk out with the things you want. It exactly happens in life. That is what the engineers and architects do. They first work out the specifications before they build the house or anything. This is what Jesus meant when he said let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and ‘no’ be ‘no.’ If there is anything you want, make it clear. Be specific. At the end of the day you have to come to a decision in order to move forward. Being specific make decision making easy. State plainly what you want. This will hasten the receiving process.  

8. Law of Desire:
Every discovery and invention was once a ‘desire’ in somebody’s heart. The seed of every achievement is desire. It is the starting point. It is the beginning. Before you start on a journey, there is a specific destination that you intend to reach. Likewise, in life, it is a desire for something that moves you ahead. That’s why it is safe to say that if you have no desire, you have no desire for life.  You are lifeless. You just exist. Are you serious about getting on with your life? What is it that you desire? Ignite your desires and begin to live. Your desire has the power to manifest in reality.

9. Law of Faith:

Mark 9: 23 say: “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Like any other spiritual thing, this law has no formula. It’s a matter of the mind and heart. The only condition is that you have to believe without an iota of doubt. But the problem is ‘how to believe without doubting?’  While many a learned man have failed in this endeavour, many simple minds have just believed and received the reward. In Romans 10: 17, Paul says “Faith comes from hearing.” Well, that’s a secret. This is what I usually do. I make statements of things that I aspire. I repeat them to myself over and over again until they seep into my mind. I don’t mean that they act like magic. No. But it sure builds my faith. And through faith, I have received and accomplished many things. As for the rest of my goals, I just need to increase my faith. Because the law is “According to your faith be it unto you.” (Mark 9: 29) 


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